Important Facts About Traveling In Jordan
If you are used to travelling abroad then you likely know that some countries require you to have an International Driver’s License. Car rentals in Jordan, however, do not require you to have one of these and accept whatever driver’s license you already have.
Another important fact about traveling to Jordan is that you will need to check if you are allowed to drive across the border when using a rent a car. Monte Carlo Rent A Car does allow this, but only if one of their drivers is driving the vehicle and if they are notified ahead of time.
Jordan, and in particular the Amman area is very hilly, so if you plan on doing a lot of walking around and site-seeing then be sure to bring some comfortable walking shoes.
One slightly humorous fact that sometimes catches tourists off-guard when traveling to Jordan is that it is considered perfectly polite to refuse when someone offers you a meal three times before finally accepting. This is partially because it is considered a sign of generosity and a mark of being a good host to offer things and the more they get to offer the better!
On the other hand, over-praising kids is considered to be bad luck, since it is believed if a child gets spoiled they will not grow up to be a good person. In fact, it is probably best not to praise anything too much, since if you praise a piece of clothing or a decoration it will usually be given to use as a gift.